Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
The standard for teaching and learning in Coffee County is excellence every day. The Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment is committed to empowering teachers by providing the support and resources needed to meet the instructional needs of a diverse student population. We believe that every child can learn and should be afforded the opportunity to develop to their highest academic potential.
The Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment provides oversight and guidance for the Coffee County School System Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade in the following areas:
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS), instructional
support programs, media and technology services, state and local
assessments, professional learning, instructional resources,
accountability, and charter systems.

Instructional Resources used in Coffee County Schools
Curriculum Links
Georgia Student Growth Model (GSGM)
The Georgia Student Growth Model (GSGM) is an exciting new initiative designed to provide students, parents, educators, and the public with additional information on student progress. Historically, Georgia’s assessment system has only enabled educators and other stakeholders to ask questions such as “What percentage of students met the state standard?” Or, “Did more students meet the state standard this year compared to last year?” The GSGM will allow Georgia to move beyond questions about status to ask critical growth-related questions such as:
- Did this student grow more or less than academically-similar students?
- Are students growing as much in math as in reading?
- Are students on track to reach or exceed proficiency?
The GSGM provides a wealth of rich information on student, school, district, and state progress on Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCTs) and End of Course Tests (EOCTs). In addition to providing student-level diagnostic information and improving teaching and learning, the GSGM works in conjunction with other factors as part of the state’s new accountability system, the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI), and serve as one of multiple indicators of educator effectiveness with the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) and the Leader Keys Effectiveness System (LKES).
This video clip from the Georgia Department of Education provides an introduction to the new Georgia Student Growth Model (GSGM).
Visit the GSGM page at the Georgia Department of Education for more information!